m6bone ipv6 multicast beacon (other beacons)

Current server time is Sat Jul 27 11:55:24 2024 (History)

Current stats for ff1e::1:f00d:beac/10000 (SSM: ff3e::bea0/10000) [Last update: - ago]

View [?] (Hide Source Info, Condensed, ASM, SSM, Both, SSM or ASM):


Matrix cell colors: Full connectivity (ASM and SSM)X ASM onlyX SSM onlyX
Loss indication border: Packet loss > 1%X Loss > 15%X Loss > 45%X

Beacons with no connectivity

AgeSource AddressAdmin Contact L/MSSM P

matrix.pl - a tool for dynamic viewing of dbeacon information and history. By Hugo Santos, Sebastien Chaumontet and Hoerdt Mickaël. Modified by GRNET.